If you are 30 or older, you will think this is

We had three channels after a while, but I remember when we only had two. Black & white. We didn't get cable TV until I was almost in High School. We got our first color TV when I was in Junior High. We bought it from the estate of a family friend who had died & the main reason my folks bought it was because it was cheap & our old TV had quit working almost a year before that. No remote control.

We had a party line when I was a kid. Sometimes you'd pick up the phone & hear other people were already using it. When I was in grade school I remember that when we went to my Great Aunt & Uncles' house their phone would ring & they wouldn't answer it. When I asked them why they said "That's not for us, it's not our ring." And I'm only fifty. I could go on, but I'm sure their will be others on here with stories to tell.