If you are 30 or older, you will think this is

Kids today dont have it so good financially.
My generation didn't use disposable diapers exclusively. We struggled to pay life insurance premiums, something with tangable value.
Todays kids have a programed mindset to need "pay for tv"
cellphone minutes, personal computer.
I honestly believe my generation would have stood in line to use internet, and Napster, at the library.
Bottled water is fine government distriution for disaster aid but 1.00 plus per liter retail ?
The government sets a fine example too by trying to provide ICE to those in need. I can't think of any substance more perishable.
Fresh meat and produce will keep at 40 degress but ice will not.
Sorry but you got me started on a rant.
"Ignore that little man behind the curtain."