If you are 30 or older, you will think this is

OK here goes this old lady again...
Folks twenty and under will never know what it is like to own a TV without a remote. My (rich) Uncle bought a digital watch in 1977. It cost $300. Kids under 15 have a hard time reading the face of a clock to tell the time. All of these modern devices cannot replace memories of playing catch with my dad. :cheers:
Now kids "text" and E-mail each other. :computer: What ever happened to passing notes in class? Oh, yeah and if the teacher caught you doing that, you got your a$$ busted.:bootysha: back when I went to school. And it was uphill both ways! There were no " time-outs". Your parents took time out of their busy day to bust your a$$.:butthead:
I remember having to use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to turn the channels on our old black and white T.V. and it sat on top of the other TV that did not work. :banghead: :offtheai:
My brother and I lived to watch Saturday morning cartoons with Bugs Bunny. :headbang:
Sunday nights brought Mom popping popcorn on the stove with a pan with a lid and real butter and drinking grape kool-aid while we watched The Wonderful World of Disney. :happy1:
I remember the late 70's when my Mom and Dad bought our first video game...PONG ( still have that BTW) .
My kids are lost without a game boy in their pocket. I carried a sling shot in my pocket for when I got bored, and that resulted in Dad taking time out of his busy day... #-o
I still have rabbit ears on the T.V. I am watching "LOST". :cool:
My kids laugh at me when I tell them about the " Good Ole Days".
We didn't have a lot of things back then by today's standards, but we did not know what a couch potato was either.:shock:

Surfing? That is what they did at the beach, and the net was used in volleyball.:fball: