My Dart Vs C5 Corvette RESULTS

First of all, 69dodgedart360, I want to reiterate what all the other guys have been telling you: not only is street racing dangerous (to you, and more importanly, other people), but it's dumb.

Secondly, I want everyone here to start thinking about the fact that no matter where we race, we spend a whole bunch of imported oil to a) make an unnecessary trip there, and b) burn a bunch more racing. We need to conserve Mother Earth's resources!

Also, what about the dangerous greenhouse gases caused by this useless, dangerous and immoral activity? What about their "carbon footprint?!?"

If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to go ride my bicycle (painted with soy-based paints) to my job at the granola store.


Okay, street racing is naughty... don't do it. And congrats to 69dodgedart360 for applying a "carbon footprint" to the hind end of three cars!

Going to the track is deffinately necessary its my hobby,and burning high octane fuel and $7.50 a gallon race fuel is my choice after all I'M paying for it!!! can't wait for the spring so i can deplete the o-zone layer even more...