Westward bound

Our journey began at 730 am eastern time, heading out of town back to northwest arkansas in all its glory...

in the little burg of Lewisburg, PA on our way to the interstate I pull to a gentle stop at a red light, and what eases up beside my 68 dart? a 70 something 4 door Valiant, red, vinyl top in serious need of repair, piloted by a kid... high school age or early college.

I think its a good omen.

the dart has been running fantastically well. she usually runs hot, but thanks to the 30 - 40 degree temps through PA and OH today she kept very cool.

the neon is chasing behind, i am keeping tabs on fuel mileage as I never knew what the old dart got..

we have only had to get gas enough times to make 2 readings thus far in the last 363 logged miles (we are in between fuel stops and have actually made more miles so far) we are resting near Richmond, IN in a Super 8 Motel...

the Neon has gotten a consistent 32 mpg both with the mountains of PA and the flatter Ohio plains.

The first reading for the dart, which is for mountainous PA came in at 20 mpg and the second, for OH came in at 19 mpg, not too bad for needing to replace the distributor for a faulting vacuum advance and a broken accelerator pump... not to mention heavy head winds and a slightly heavier foot.

will make another update tomorrow.

keep your fingers crossed.