Firearms Refresher Course

Does it work? You tell me.

Charleston, WV, capital of WV and metro population 250,000. The state constitution was amended in 1986 to allow law abiding citizens to carry a legal firearm of their choosing anywhere they want to go as long as it is in plain sight and not concealed in any way. If you want a concealed carry permit pay the county Sheriff $75 to cover the cost of the NCIC check, have a diploma from a firearms safety course, and wait a week. The Legislature felt the need to do something about spiraling crime.
Street and property crime is almost non-existent and we had 4 murders last year. This was up from 3 the year before and was the result of a shootout in a crack house due to jealousy over a woman (body count was 2).

Keep 'em clean and shiny, you never know when you'll need it.