MSD analog relibility; any ideas?????

No problem, Peter...

MY problem is that I was born in the first half of the LAST CENTURY.... and have been an "adult" way too long... LOL! It's starting to show. :(

Gettin' stodgy in my old age...

I will absolutely give them a call, tomorrow, because if there is ANY WAY POSSIBLE, I don't ever want to have to talk to the "techs" at MSD again...

They're nice guys... but most of them seem to have no idea what they're talking about... at least, the ones I talked to (and, I talked to several.)

Ninety-five percent of their conversations are probably about 6- and 7-AL units; my Boost Master that failed is NOTHING like a "real" MSD unit. They probably don't get a lot of training on those..

Thanks again for the link!!!
