window tint or no tint?

I will add my .02 here. I have done this several times with several cars over the years. Check your local laws re: just how dark you can go. Our local police carry an acrylic bar with different grades/percentages and if it is too dark, you get a fix it ticket (which can be expensive - especially if you have it redone in a lighter shade. I do like adding tint for aestetics but personally like a mid grade. I have also had some bad experiences with very dark tints at night as well as different materials reflecting differently. Good luck.

Ben hit on a few good points: Local laws will leave you in the position of being ticket bait. No sense in giving the police a reason to pull you over, then give them the opportunity to check tires...exhaust....lights...etc. And forget about night time driving, especially in the rain. I had a car with 5% limo tint and it was down right dangerous to drive in certain conditions. But man-o-man, it sure looked good! And the A/C works better too!

We have 35% in Amy's VW on the front doors and it's just right. The rear side windows are 5% limo tint, which effectively renders the rear side glass useless.

Besides, in my opinion dark cars look better with dark tint than a light colored car. A light car looks like a photo negative to me....