Kudos to phoenix specialty coatings(Leanna)

I have an OLD set of cal custom valve covers,and a mopar cast aircleaner i would like done.I would like them to look like the hemi orange ones you did,but will i have to get them stripped and polished before you can do your thing with them?There not perfect,but they are sentimental,and there old as dirt,but i would like them to look as good as possible

Toby, it'll save you money if you get them stripped down before you ship them over here. Of course, I'm not above getting dirty and I'm happy to do the work, but the more time and blasting media you save me, the cheaper your bill will be.

Please keep in mind that Dave polished his valve covers religiously before he sent them here (and did a beautiful job too!), but that's always something that can be done after your powder work is finished if some of the metal is left uncoated like his were.

Since your covers have obviously been painted, blasting all of that off is going to leave the entire surface a bit rough, so you might have a tough time polishing that out depending on what tools you have. Your air cleaner looks to be pretty clean though, with a lot less prep work involved. We can talk about your options whenever you're ready. Just give me a call.