Newfie Pride

So a few guys in a pub in a lil town in the maritimes, and they decide to stick to the man. Of course the canadian gov't is completely flawless, as it is thier proud country, so they decide they shall declare war on President Bush and the U.S.A. So Bob decides to call up the President. He says "Mr. Preident this Bob up here in Canada, eh, and me and the boys have decided that we are going to go to war with you." Well the Preident replies, "Bob, i have an army of over 10 million men ready to march on my word." "o" Bob replies. "Well i'll have a talk with the boys, and 2moro we'll get back to you."

~the following day~

Sure enough, the president recieves a phonecall from Bob. "Well mr.president, we've managed to scrounge up a couple more boys, o'leary from the county, and the scotts three boys, and even mr.killwooney have joined up, just to mention a few. So we're a bit stronger now, and we still want to declare war on you." "Well, Bob, i also have over 100 divisions of tanks, and my army has increaed to 12million" "Well president, we'll have to get back to you."

~another day later~

"Mr. president, we've got ourselfs some armor as well, o'leary has decided to lend the use of his 5 tractors, ones kinda old, but we'll make do!" "Bob," says the president, "I also have a masive airforce of over 10,000 planes, as well as my tank diviions, and my army has increased to 15million men." "Well mr. president, i'll have to get with me boys, and ring you 2moro."

~another day, another dime~

"Mr. president, we've found some old one seaters in an old barn that we're gonna fix up, so now we have an airforce. wars on!" "Bob, not only do i have an airforce and tanks, i also have a navy comprised of over 1000 ships, and my army has grown to 20 million!" "Well," says bob, "That sounds pretty impressive, I'll have to talk it over a pint with my boys."

~next day~

"Mr. President, to a man, each of us owns at least one boat, if not more. So war is still a go!" "Are you certain?" Asks the president. "As my army has knw grown to just over 30million men." "Hmm" bob says "Gimme a second" after hearing some muffled arguing, bobs voice comes back on the line. "Well mr. president, me and the boys talked it over, and no war. The president curiouly asks why. "Well," intones bob, "theres no way that we can possibly afford to feed 30 million prisoners.":cheers: