nick names

I liked the social scene before internet better when it comes to nicknames. You really couldn't pick your own nickname. A rookie was hired into out work crew once who really did have Ronald McDonalds hair. We called him Red, McHelper, etc.., trying to find something that would stick. After a couple days he said, "Yall just call me Blaze." That was soooo funny at the time.
We called him Sparky, flicker, fired, smokey, everythng but 'Blaze'. It was 'Red" that finally became his nick.
Then there was Duwanye... he hadn't had a nickname before, but after I was out for a few weeks for hernia surgery I retuned to hear eveyone calling Duwayne 'Bucket'.
I asked around and soon learned that some of the guys had slipped into a Gov. reserve a few times to do some fishing. Stringers full of Bream that weigh nearly 2 lbs. from a small lake can be habit forming. LOL
Anyway...First time Duwanye went along a game warden appeared on the oposite bank and they all turned and ran. They imerged from the woods near their car only to find another game warden waiting for them.
Duwanye had left all of his fishing rods , beer, etc.., behind but did grab a styrofoam minnow bucket for his run. The game warden thought it was funny too.
When Duwayne was asked why? he said, "Not sure. It was brand new. I'd just bought it a hour earlier."
1.79 LOL funny how the mind works sometimes.
That was atleast 25 years ago and to this day Duwanye is still known as 'Bucket'.
Now wasn't that more interesting than 'Redfish' = Red barracuda ?
Yep it sure was!! :toothy10: