nick names

My wife has a lot of names for me.....sometimes I'm "honey" sometimes i'm "asshole" sometimes I'm "a mother F@#@#$##" sometimes just ignored, and she wonders why I don't answer when I'm called by my name "Mark"
I haven't had any real nick names since highschool. I was called "Goose" that was short for mongoose. I was raised in the projects and I was number 4 of probably six white kids in the hood. I learned to run really fast to avoid getting my *** kicked for a couple years. There wasn't a black kid in the hood that could catch me: Of course just like Forest Gump I got tired of running.......funny how it only takes one time for a guy to stand up for himself to make an impression that lasts forever. I didn't have to run anymore and I actually became really good freinds with alot of the guys that chased me. Growing up in the projects was a good lesson for me. To this day I don't judge people by their skin color. I usually judge by what I hear from their mouths. Doesn't take long to realize if a person is genuine or just full of themselves. Man those were some good times:)