New heads/intake/rear end
I'll have to throw in my 2 cents for BJR as well. Looking foward to the future with Bobby.
Mike, I was reading in a few different places that the M-1 for the street, since there a large port race intake, makes slightly better torque over the Victor intake. And slightly less HP than the Victor. The difference was very little and ethier intake would fit your needs very well.
Alot depends on whom you speak with and there exact combo of parts. I once new a fella (Here on the Island) that switched to a M-1 single from a Victor and picked up in E.T. and MPH over the Vicor. After the anoucment of this at a club meeting, the bench racing was on! Like a mini set of gangs, they argied over which one was better both claiming there car/engine like there intake better.
It's allways a combo dependent item. Tuning is another issue. And the list goes on and on.