Q&A for a`65GT

. one more thing il be using an A833 4spd i want to put 323shure grip but "someone"said i wont like the "tall" first gear im lookin at the 323s for about2400rpms @65mph any numbers you guys(or gals) may have is greatly cociderd and app. thanx

i'm running a 2.93, cruises 2400 rpms @ roughly 67-68mph. (but no problem getting up over 100!!!) with your 3.23's, to hit 65 mph your going to be probably at or exceeding the 3000rpm mark and it will probably run out to about 90mph depending how far you want to push the motor. depends on the rear tire size as well but your still limited there. the 3.23's are great for stoplight drags but not so much for a highway cruiser.
