Strangest thing found in your A body???

When I pulled the dash pad in my Barracuda I found a couple of roaches that missed the ash tray.

Being a mechanic all my life I've found some strange things while disassembling customers cars. The best? It happened about 20 yrs. ago when I worked for Porsche-Audi. I had to remove the door panel on a Porsche 944 to change the window motor. When I seperated the door panel a few pictures fell out from behind the door pocket. They were pictures taken on the family's boat, including a picture of the wife topless out on the ocean.

The entire shop had to take a peak at both the picture, and customer, when she picked up her car.

So can you scan the photo?

since others didnt keep it to A body's

Ok i had a freind that his dad had an automotive recycling yard (It wasnt called that back then) Junk yard more like it, anyway he used to work there inb the summer time and he used to recieve the vehicles from the transporters and he always went throught the vehicles (mostly from crashes)
he found body parts more speciffic a finger and some scalp with hair attached. Nasty

sad but i think he gave it to the yard dog!!
