Strangest thing found in your A body???

You guys have some great stories.

When I bought my Fastback in 1991 in Rialto, California, I put all the little pieces of history I found into a big ziplock baggie where they are today.

3/4 of the rather shredded broadcast sheet from the rear seat springs
A book of matches from The FireSide Restaurant in Santa Fe Springs (anyone know if it's still open?)
Ticket stub from a Black Sabbath concert
Some ticket stub from an unknown movie / theatre and
A wrapped piece of Juicy Fruit gum.

Obviously, not too exciting.

On the other hand, I bought a 1970 Nova for $400. While cleaning out and vacuuming around the back seat, I decided to pull up the seat and see if the build sheet was there. I didn't find a build sheet, but I DID find a bigggg ol' bag of change. Turned out there was $127 in there!