Update on my Rotted Hoosiers. Pics included

BadAssDodge said
can you really blame them......if they offered a warranty, theyd go out of business..... so it looks like your going to have to take the loss, but thats no excuse for a crappy tire, and bad press will be much worse for them....i know im not getting hoosiers later this year lol :tongue:
Sorry but I can't say I agree with you BAD. I understand they can't warranty race tires against blowing out, tread coming apart, etc. but I see no reason they can't offer a limited warranty against dry rot for a yr. I don't expect there should be a warranty against wear or damage caused from something impacting them but dry rotted in 9 months is rediculous. They probably set in a warehouse somewhere for several yrs. or the rubber was just defective. (Yes rubber can be defective). That should be the only reason they should be dry rotted in 9 months. I have dealt with companies that don't want to loose any money so they sell out dated or defective junk as new when they sould have scrapped it. It may not even be Hoosiers fault. May be Summits. They might have had them in their w'house for who knows how long. Either way about it don't sound right to pay good money for something and in less than 1/4 of the normal time they are dryrotted junk.

Tire manufacturers now are trained to spot problems. :book: Not just guess at it. :scratch: The tire mfg. we deal with can tell right away if the tire was defective or a customer problem caused it.