727 problems, opinions wanted...

You men are a WEALTH of knowledge - I love this site!

Since the tranny is in the car, and less than convenient to remove, I am going to try the following:

Lower fluid volume by 1 pint.
Warm car in nuetral to fill convertor.
Hope this eliminates the leak and the high rev/slow move problem
Ignore the nuetral move issue.

I should have posted for tranny recommendations before I reinstalled the motor. Shoulda-woulda-coulda fixed any pump problems soooooo easily.

If this aint it, I will be forced to pull the tranny or take it to a shop (ughh). Seems the "pro's" at the shops often know little more than I do, and care a whole lot less. Hate to have my car messed up while it is being repaired! (scratch this, forgot to reconnect that, broke the other, etc.)