Grand Spalding Dodge

Lucky answered an ad I placed and we talked on the phone for a long time. I was looking for people to talk to about the dealership (customers or employees). We hit it off and when the weather warmed up (July) I drove my GSS Demon in to Chicago to meet him. He said he was about in tears when I drove up (don't mistake him for a pussy) and he saw the car. He was flooded with memories when he heard the car turn on his street and came out to meet me out there. I spent all afternoon with him and he took me to the old dealership sites. The most impressive thing about that day to me was that everyone I talked to in that neighborhood still remembered GSD and respected it. It had sort of a mob feeling, but not in a bad way. It was obvious that GSD and the people involved took care of their neighborhood and still do today. If you have ever been to a city and know what I mean about neighborhoods, you'll understand what I'm saying.
As for Lucky giving me the stuff, He had mentioned that he had it and I asked if he wanted to sell anything, but he wouldn't take a thing and just gave it to me. I think it was because I had my beautiful daughter with me and they loved her. Lucky's wife has a large doll and dollhouse collection that Heather loved, and they don't have any kids. Lucky is in to Harleys these days and no longer has any of his cars, the last one being a 71 Charger R/T. I asked him if he wanted to get another 63 Dart and he said no. I wouldn't mind building a clone of his 63 Dart someday.