Smart Cars?

Compared to 17 though that 33 mpg looks pretty good. lol Still a cost issue for me at least. Even with the horrible price of petrol it would take me a long time to make up the purchase of one.
I'm not totally up on the cars, but seems there is an imported MB made one and then they are some that are US cars from official dealerships now. The actual imported MB ones (through talking to a MB Smart dealer last year) sell for more than the others. Probably his hype to make profit and sell his cars before the US ones were going strong who knows. Importer here was charging somewhere around $25,000 or more for the MB one they imported. The CA dealer was around $26,000 or so. Said that the USA one that was either out or coming out would be around $12,000-17,000 or so depending on model. Tried to say the quality was not the same. Still see the imported ones on Auto Trader for $20-25,000. Still a chunk of change for me either way you slice it!

Did see a competition stereo car that was a Smart once. Advertised himself as the Worlds Loudest Smart. Wish I could find the site for that one again. Had some really outrageous builds and cars.

Also, somewhere or other I saw a video online where they did a crash test with a smart. Looked very impressive. Hmmm, might have to go look on Utube and see if it was there.
