Moderating Threads

In no way, shape, or form am I trying to be disrespectful towards our men & women whom are, or have been, serving our country. I personally have a cousin whom came home in two pieces from Vietnam. But there's a time, and a PLACE, for everything.

An automobile message board is not the place... I'm not trying to purge members, just the opposite. I don't want people turning away because of the in-fighting, be it guns, money, or religion. I don't have the authority, nor do I want, to ban people. I just want people to be repectful of why we are all here in the first place. Granted, we get off-topic, be it music, pets, or even relationships, but it's never volitile topics that lead to emotions and tempers getting out of control. I try and be a good guy and help as many people as I can, when I can. In this instance I felt obligated to throw the brakes on "that' thread. What started as a good-natured joke became a run-away train.

Again, I'm not trying to be un-compassionate, or a prick, but we must have guidelines and limits. And for what it's worth, thank you for what our men & women have given for our country. People do take it for granted... but there's other ways, and mediums, for addressing those problems in our society.

Now I know some people will agree, some will disagree. That's what makes us individuals. But C`mon gang... we're here to help each other out. Not start fights. Imagine if we starting hating red cars...or 4 speeds... or your an idiot for not have multi-carbs...or there's no place for non-numbers matching restorations... or not spending a lot of money. See how personal it would get, REAL fast? Let's stay FOCUSED on HELPING each other.

And as a final statement from me, if the majority of our membership thinks my way of trying to keep order is too lope-sided, our not fair, PM Joey about having me removed as a moderator. I'm here for the love of the hobby. NOT trying to ride a "power trip".

Thank you for reading this and please, no more battles with your brothers and sisters.