Moderating Threads

Well said John. This is a great site, and I feel fortunate to have found it. I'm on here almost every day, and see how diverse the people on this site are, but we all have something in common. MOPARS. It's a great venue for us to discuss car stuff, or even non car stuff in the off topic catagories. I've been out of the car scene for 25+ years. You know the old saying "Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and prove it". This is why I do a lot more reading, than posting. I've got to relearn a lot, because things have changed so much since the 70's. The knowledge and help on this site is a great asset. It's a shame when things degrade in a thread, to the point where moderators need to step in. It takes away from the uniqueness of this site, and makes it like the others. I believe everyone has a right to their opinions, but they also have the obligation to treat each other with respect. I applaud all who keep this site running, and give us the latitude to be us. I may get some flak for this rant, but remember, it's just my .02. Tim
And as for turing 50, it feels good so far. Nothing has hurt, seized up, or stopped working.... 8)

By the way, you don't need to worry until parts start to fall off. :shock: