CRAZY is obama the antichrist MUST READ

Athiest. Proudly so. From grade 3 up till the first half of grade 11 i had the bible forced upon me in religion class. Baptized when i was 7, and didn't really understand. By 8 i was refusing to go to church with my mom. All those people believeing in something completley untangible? It blew me away. In grade 9, they did confirmation. Every kid in my class did it. We were 13 and 14. Wat better did they know? I purposefully fell ill the days of the ceremony. Every year after they tried to get me to go. Everytime i would ask, why? they would tell me, "so you can make your personal choice to accept god into your life." Every year, i told them that by their definition, i did not need to go. Every year, there was one more teacher i had to avoid at school.

As far as i'm concerned, the church is the biggest and oldest cult in the world. Do you know how rich the church is? well the pope has a specially made LIMO that is BULLETPROOF... Limo=Class, Bulletproof=lack of trust in the world. Together=$$$. Not to mention the vatican, or even a regular church...

I've lived amongst catholics for a large portion of my life, and i have seen a large amount of faithful hypocrites, and very few faithful. Not to say that those people that believe in god are bad, or in the slightest way less then myself, i actually knew a priest that had some of the best stories. And a very nice person.

But thats just my views, all you can say will not shake me of them, as everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs.

Same thing with me.
Never understood it either when it was forced on me as a kid.
I saw the hypocrites too.
I realized later that we are all sinners, and all fall short of the glory of God.

I still do , every day.