CRAZY is obama the antichrist MUST READ

As mentioned awhile back when it was asked "Who is going to win the election?" And one on the members answered "Sure is not going to be the American citizens!" They buy their way into the white house basically is what the word is around here.

This probably is off topic as it gets but I have had a failed marriage just recently and she left and I don't get to see the kids any longer (they were not mine) and I feel very alone. Truthfully.... forsaken by God. I'm used to go to church but not any longer. I used to have faith in God but not any longer. As bad as it may sound I have a resentment toward Him. I'm not a bad person but I get tired of trying to live the family life (which I really want) and it gets ripped from my hands and tears my soul as it is happening. I don't care anymore.