Brake parts

Are you serious?

1970 Plymouth Duster 340 came from the factory with standard equipment manual disc brakes.

On an A body, there really is no need for power brakes.

A good manual disc setup stops an A body very well.
Semi-metallic pads, properly functioning calipers and the rest of the setup in good working order, and you have an excellent braking car.

Pedal effort will be determined by the bore size of the master cylinder.

But power brakes with a vacuum booster are just added weight and complication on a 3,000 - 3,200 lb. A body. Just another thing to worry about when you run a decent cam that may not bring enough vacuum for the power brake booster.
All right All right, I git tha pic. LOL!!! I'm just messin with ya. I would rather not have a big ole ugly booster under tha hood anyway. I just didnt want to have to use both feet to git tha damn thing to stop like the old drums back in tha day.

Thanks. Makes me feel better knowing that I wont have to put it in a ditch to keep from runnin over a damn squirel. LMAO!!!

