The Old lady left!

For you, Barracuda340S ;

Thnking about man's life:

When i was 14 i wanted a girlfriend.

In 16, i have a girlfriend but there was something missing in a relationship, i wanted to her be passion and lusty...

When i was 20, i have a passion girlfriend...
But she was too sentimental, everything was a great drama and she threat to kill her self...
I wanted a relationship which is stable and safe...

When i was 25, i found a stable girlfriend but she was boring...
I wanted more exciting girlfriend...

In 30ties i found a exciting girlfriend, she cheated me all the time and did want not to make steady...
I wanted a girlfriend which has a goal in her life, in work and personal life...

When i was 35 i found a girl who has goals in her life, she was smart and going up in a company where she work.
We get married, divorced her after a year, and she takes everything what i got...

Now days i am older and wiser, i'm looking a girl who has a big boobs...

Just to cheer you up if you are feeling little low...