Moderating Threads

I was reading through this post, and i saw a lot of positive support for closing that thread. I want to whole-heartedly agree that that had degenerated into something akin to a squabble among immature teenegers about who knew more about their own opinion. I should know, i am one.

So back on track, good job. I've read a lot of your posts Fastback340, and i see that you are a fair individual, who is not out there on a 'power trip'. I know far too many people like that, so i tend to recognize them off the bat, even through internet wall posts. lol. You're a good guy, looking out for the happiness of the site.



And now, a word to anyone that wishes to post anymore rude comments directed toward other members, not explicitly concerning MOPARS, upon this site. I'm ashamed. I'm 17, and i'm telling all you adults who choose to continue posting rude comments, that i am ashamed. Please stop.