I'm back!/Wish me luck!
Some of you may have noticed i haven't been around for a while i went back to work a couple weeks ago after being off for almost a year do to a shoulder injury.I worked for Lowes distribution center which i wasn't to crazy about but it paid the bills but last Tues. night i had enough and told my boss exactly where he could shove his job and walked out!
So now i am for the first time since i started working unemployed! I have been looking for something better and today i got a call from the Geisinger for a job,for those that don't know what Geisinger is it's a HUGE hospital.
Tomorrow morning i go for my interview and if all goes well i might be once again gainfully employed.
The job i am interviewing for is a low level job but i figure if i can at least get my foot in the door i might be able to move up to bigger and better things in the future.