Moderating Threads

I noticed a change in this board since last March, and it all had to do with one person. I really think there is something wrong with that certain person, and I fear it really does have something to do with the fact that he was injured. It's not his fault, but at the same time, it wasn't mine either. I do my part to make this world a better place and I'm sure he did too. Thanks and sorry all at the same time buddy. Maybe he can find a place to occupy his time where they will appreciate him, but it wasn't here.

GTS, I noticed the same thing but I think there might have been more than one. I am only making light here but I think there should be a
"Best of FABO" list and one of the subcategories should be entitled "Angry Folk." You know, the ones that absolutely lose their cool and go to their dark place while the rest of us sit back in wide-eyed amazement. As history has shown, they either get the boot or self-exile themselves. If this ever took place, I would to nominate the following thread for review: