New Engine won't turn over!! Help

Wyoduster, You are lucky you didn't do serious damage to your engine. Daredevil is spot on with the hydro lock thing. When those cylinders fill up there's no place for the gas to go. You may as well fill it up with concrete. Glad you found the problem too.

I took alot of interest in the thread when it got to the timing issue. I went through the debate too the first time I worked on a mopar smallblock.. It's all a matter of perception. I built a couple of chevy engines and when the dots are at 12 and six the number one cylinder is on the compression stroke. On mopar smallblocks it's on the Exhaust stroke. #6 is actually at TDC of the compression stroke. So if you lined up the marks at 12 and 6 just drop the distributor in to line up with #6 instead of #1 or you can rotate the engine one complete revolution and drop it at #1. Of course if the marks don't line up it's time to pull the gears and do it over. It is alot easier to line the marks up when they are closer together. You just have to make sure you have a good center line. Good luck with your engine.

You actually hooked up your gas line to the PCV not the PVC(positve crankcase ventilation) :)