do you tip at resturants?
The wife and I frequent the local Texas Road House. We always set at the
bar rail. If the bar tenders see us come in the front door they have my tea
and the wife's margarita ready for us when we sit down. They call us by
name and give us great service. One of the gals became pregnant..we gave her a gift card to buy new baby stuff. Another was going to Florida
for a week with her kids...we gave her cash to help out with the trip. Another
couple was getting married and we gave them a nice money gift. We are not
rich by any means, but these folks have become a part of our "family" and we
like to help out any way we can. We always tip at least 30% if not more.
I agree with Dart-swinger......
If people do a good job they need to make a decent living.