318 build. what would you do?

Man, that is just total disrespect to someone else and uncalled for.
I was just joking with Prine and if you fully read the rest of the post or any I have made with him or about him, you would not be making such comments.

The problem with some of you guys is that you think your way is the only way to get a motor running. The other thing is that I don't know if you don't know how to read or you just blatantly ignore what someone originally posts, but you guys have thrown so much garbage into this post that if this guy was brand new he would now have no idea/plan to what he was doing or what he wanted to do. Some of these guys come on here strictly for advice because they don't know. The last thing they need is for someone to flat out tell them they are wrong. Now, I do understand that he got a little rude and testy, but you guys don't help that along much either by making posts like this.

The rest of this post almost has merit. When you try and tell someone that a 318 isn't going to run down big block cars for $1500, and there have been a few in this direction, you think someone would listen.

I guess you should take your own advice and open up your eyes and read. Then say something when you know something. Unlike your post.

We here absoultley try and help people with there goals. This board is about the very very best I have come across, bar none.

Mopar318Guy is getting honest answers and replies. His curt answers can be re-writin beter not only for the general reader, but for himself. After all, alittle internet curtosity goes along long way.

That is unless you like to be told to get with the program. Which could be applied very easy to your last post.

Now Prine works at a plant that does turbos. Big ones. Prine, could you post up a picture please and show this guy what I'm talking about? Thanks.

When Prine posts a picture, if you can photo shop, do so and lets have a laugh at it.