small block headers

After the AlterKtion project, I will be looking to build a small block stroker (possibly the Hughes 426 kit). At that point, the 1 5/8" primaries on my Doug's (and just about every other available header) aren't going to get it done. I have no brand allegiance, but I do know that the few 1 3/4" and 1 7/8" primary headers I have looked at are designed to dump the drivers side #1 tube through the hole in the k-member. Once I make the switch to AlterK, that is no longer an option (the drivers' side longitudinal tube occupies that space). The TTI's, while nice, aren't my first choice simply because they are a 1 5/8" step header that goes to 1 3/4", and several of the posts on this thread have already shown that a tuned 1 3/4" makes considerably more power (neither the Doug's or the TTI's are tuned length).

My question: Are there any 1 3/4"+ headers that are underchassis that fit the 67+ A-body that DON'T pass through the drivers' side opening of the k-member (and under/ahead of the lower control arm)?


with the alter-k you can run 67-up headders on an early a i believe right? that should open up some choices.