So many shades!
At one point, someone made mention I should name the car just that! Its a great name, but it was when I first started altering it. Your opinion is respected. I just look at it from another view. In the true spirit of hotrodding, I've always been a " make the best of what you can with what you have available". I've never been one to put off anyone else for their choices. Its all good to me, if you have fun with it and it brings a smile. Yea, its gonna have a GM powerplant in it, but the spirit of what the car is all about is what I'm after in the end. Taking it to the track, racing it, and cruising it to a show or two, and talking with people is what I look forward to as well!
Thanks, Dale
Hers a few pics from when we got it back today. I cannot say how happy I am with the off-white color! The bodywork over all my metalwork really came out well, and they laid down the paint resonably thick to allow me for some color sanding after final assembly!