I paid $1300 for my block to be cleaned, sonic checked, decked, bored, mains checked, cam bearings installed, painted, crank turned & polished and the rotating assembly balanced. That was by a highly respected race oriented machine shop in my area. In this case there is no crank work or balancing.
The $600 may be a little low but the $500 for a valve job maybe a little high and the $200 for gaskets, bearings and an oil pump is likely a little high too, but the point was that I had stated perviously that you should be able to build a stroker motor for less than $3k when you are starting with a running motor. I still think that is a realistic goal. You can certainly spend tons more but if you are looking for a stong street motor you don't need to and what I describe is pretty equivalent to the MP 402 stoker crate motor in regards to the parts supplied.