318 heads. whats your route??

I feel Im prety well qualified to pass judgement on the best route....

Up until recently, I was running a set of the most heavily ported and welded 318 heads you'd ever see, the runners were raised, ran 2.02 nailhead back cut valves and the intakes flowed 215 cfm.

These heads were specially done to increase air speed through the runner while maintaing a decent port volume. The guy that did them has a very good rep as a porter - (Pic below)

I ran a 13.46 with these, a 234 / .495 lift cam and 3.9 gears

Then I swapped to 587 360 heads with NO porting, and 1.96 tulip valves ..................and ran a 13.17.

Moral of the story - those teen heads had waaaaay more port work in them than any sane person would pay for (I got them off a guy who did them as an experiment in "velocity") ......and they still wouldnt hold up against some stock 360s........

For me its no contest IF you want max. HP for your combo - port volume is as important as air speed .......:-D