Rear springs

Okay, got some really poor pictures. Took the car out for a test and forgot the camera! Anyway, can tell it is higher in the back, but does not seem enough to feel like you are falling towards the windscreen. Drove well and the ride was not harsh. Drove over some fairly good bumps and was smooth. Nothing noticed that was out of the ordinary. Took care of a bit of the body roll we had too seems. Might be putting too much into the spring change, but there you go.

I did get some pictures of the car on the side of the house. Not the greatest, but hope they can show something at least. The side shot shows the level with 14 inch wheels. The more I look at it the car has a bit of a rake now, but is not what I would call the old "stink bug" look I remember from the 70's 80's, but then my memory isn't , oh, sorry what was I saying?

Anyway, hope this shows a bit at least.

