Ross' '71 dart swinger

We all love seeing photos, don't stop.
Well I haven't had a chance to work on Tara's dart because I have had work, school, and another car. I can only have ONE parts car at my grandparents farm (my dad gets 5:bs:) so since I had a '76 aspen as a parts car for my '77 R/T I had to part it out and send it to the crusher. The reason I need the parking space is because I found a 318 sway bar '74 dart sport for 600 that I am going to snag the front suspension and swap with Tara's. I found a buyer for the '74 so all I have to do is the suspension swap and send it on its way and then I will have a covered parking spot for my '70 challenger. Any way I have also been waiting on the piston, bearings and rings for the 360. The pics are of the 360 block painted and the car I parted out to make room. Does anyone need F body stuff? I took me about 10 hours to strip bag and tag everything and it went from being pleasantly warm to hail/snow with a bone chilling cold wind. I do now however have all the nuts and bolts bagged and tagged so I can put mine back together.









