Valve job on my eddys

I should probably leave this alone but in BJR's defense I really think he is getting the raw deal here. Strokin 408 could it be that you over revved your motor and bent some valves. I missed a gear once and hit 8000 rpm and bent 5 out of 8 exhaust valves. When you tore the motor down could you see any marks on the pistons that would be evidence of this. On July 1, 2007 you posted how happy you were with the heads. How could your new head guy know they were put together dirty 9 months ago. How could he know they were bead blasted. I use to bead blast the stems or use a wire wheel on my bench grinder to clean carbon off the stems when I was doing valves jobs. I was only building grocery getters though not race engine but you could not see any marks on the stems. If you would have bent some valves they surely would not seat all the way around and the valves heights would also be different. I am buying my second engine from BJR and will probably take the other set of W5's I just bought to him for porting. I am sure he makes mistakes like we all do but something just dont sound right here to me. How about checking the piston tops for marks where the valves could have hit and let us know. Good luck with your engine.