My 73' duster PROJECT

Hello everyone! I am very excited for the fact that I put a deposit on my project /6 duster today. I will be picking it up around next friday or so, the guy just wants it out of his yard. It is actually a bit rougher than I had anticipated...the guy made it sound like there was only one spot on it, but in all actuality it needs a driver's side rocker, drivers side "dogleg", and the lower rear quarter on passengers side. Oh yeah, it need some repair around the trunk lock, someone tried to pry into the trunk...With all that said it really is a sound car for being here in the NE! all around the rear window is mint, interior is pretty decent, with only one little rip and needs a new dash cap. Like I said it is a project, I am only 16 at this moment so progress may be a bit slow, but I intend to make it presentable before next school year :). My dad is supporting me with this project, he would be some annoyed if I got a tuner car like my brother lol. My dad has mopars so to him this was the only choice for my first car :). I was able snap some exterior pics today. I
am gonna get ordering stuff asap!:snakeman: