hooker headers

I have run and installed Hooker, Hedman, Casler, and Flow Tech..The easiest was the Caslers(for big block..) You issues with Hedman while exasperating, are not exactly unusual when installing a part not designed by the factory. (MP parts are just reboxes, and are overpriced, and just as bad.) I have found price is directly proporsional to the installation issues. The 5 or so A body (same as B & E) sets I've done have all gone on pretty easy..I'm not sure, but somewhere in the instructions, at some point, they said start the two inside bolts on the outer tubes first..That's so you can keep the header away from the head, and the bolt will slip right in..The only issue is the 1/4 turn of the open end wrench you get when tightening. I leave the out studs in place, and slip them over..It also helps keep the gasket in line. I also try to get longer bolts by 1/4" or so, and coat the end of the threads with hi temp RTV so they dont "seep". The biggest issue is the 3 tubes under the centerlink..I'm in NE, and those 3 tubes last about 5 miles on our roads..But once you flatten the lowest 1/2" or so, you're stylin'...lol These headers have not changed since the late 60's when they came out..There are literally hundreds of thousands of sets installed and running betweeen '67 and the present. You had a hard time, and that's regretable, but not uncommon. In terms of cost, you could take the Hedmans, and have them put on at a shop, for 1/2-3/4 of the cost of the TTis alone. I havent done any TTi headers, but as far as the pipes, I'll have a custom set bent before I spend the $$ they want for that stuff. It's not crap, but it's not worth the cost either, IMO. The Hookers I've done have fitted fine, no real issues, maybe a light ding around the P/S box was all.