FABO Benifit Auction
I would like to take this opportunity to let you great bunch of people know how very much this huge surprise is appreciated at this time. A little update from the rehab centre; 101 days and counting the third tentative discharcge date was to be May 16th has now been changed to May 30th. I have yet to conquer the steps, get feeling back in the rest of my leg, arm and foot, and get movement back in my right hand. Hopefully it happens so I can get back to work and my dart project can continue. It looks like it will probably be a year before they will know if use will return to my arm and hand so just wait and see, but the suspense is killing me. Thank once again every one I am so thankful for the great family I have here your the best!
God Bless .....Marvin Peacock ....70dart :notworth: