9 1/4 rear?

They're big and heavy, have c-clips and require custom axles. I can have a custom 8.75 made for me, with new tubes and ends, and new axles for a few hundred bucks. Then I have something lighter and straighter and I can swap out gears whenever I want.

A weight issue is small potatos unless comp drag racing is at hand. Then it's a catch 22 with durabilty being an issue and totalpower handling.

I'm not short selling the 8-3/4 or beefing the the 9-1/4 up in anyway.

C-clips are allways a verbal issue or someting everyone allways mentions on line, but seldom do I see issue on the road. Abuse a rear, they'll break, thats the bottom line on anything.

I'd like to know if anyone has a C-clip eliminator for this rear.