New Bike!

A Shist! TATE! Looks good man. Some elbow grease and polish... Woo-Hoooo!

I'm going to take a snap shot of my 2003 XL1200C tomorrow. I just got my new seat on it. The low profile seat breifly named, "The Striper." I also just popped on my naked lady levers from that company I'm sure to mis-spell-badly...
Kerorkorkian.. LOL Kerry-rocken. Ha ha ha.

My Sporty custom has a black wrinkle painted engine with the fins of the jugs bare aluminum. Chrome everywhere, a mark of a custom in addition to what Tate wrote about his.

Hey Joe! When ya sell her? Getcha price? Hope so, it was a good looking ride.

I got out on mine today for a 120 mile no-where ride with a few fellas. Had lunch in a railroad dinner car. Ecellent Bacon chesse burger!