66 dart headers


Infamous can also mean notorious, which can be used in a positive OR negative manner. For example: A person or object can be notorious for being a good thing ie: This restaurant is notorious(infamous) for serving the best tasting food. It can also be used to denote a negative experience ie: Today's gasoline is notorious(infamous) for being a low quality blend.

Oh, come on, Rick! "This restaurant is notorious(infamous) for serving the best..." I'm afraid you're digging yourself in deeper. Don't you think 99 & 44/100ths writers would say "This restaurant is famous for serving the best..."
I learned a long time ago that when one realizes he's in a hole with shovel in hand, and dirt piling up outside the hole, the first thing to do is STOP DIGGING!

You may well be a perfectly fine and decent person, I don't know. perhaps when you open your own restoration parts shop I will get to know you better.

Frankly, I think it's shameful, though not illegal, for a large company to market a product "suspiciously similar" to that built by a hobbiest/craftsman. The shame of this situation came about before I was aware of your presence at your current employer. For you to (apparently) try singlehandedly to repair your employers well deserved reputation certainly says something for you. Kinda like Sampson cleaning out the Augean stables. I'm willing to grant that none of the shame of your employers marketing the product attaches to you.

If I had somehow JUST BECOME aware that Harold Johnson does exist, and does make the ORIGINAL Spitfire Headers, and does sell them at a very attractive price, and does ship only via C.O.D. (so the customer is not out any money until the product is delivered) I think I would refrain from promoting a similar product marketed by a company that beats up on "the little guy". I don't know if I would resign from an employer who conducted himself in such a shameless manner, but the thought would certainly cross my mind.

Now, to those who REALLY want their headers in a relatively short time, and who are aware that the second product on the market that "suspiciously resembles" the original, If Rick at his current employers truly does have them in stock (and I have no reason to doubt Rick's word) by all means, pay over twice the price + shipping.

If, on the other hand, you are willing to be PATIENT and let Harold get to your order In whatever time it takes him, you can take some pride in supporting the little individual craftsman, who really should have patented the headers, but apparently didn't, against the shameless big company. It may take a few phone calls (and Harold will call you back, unlike some companies I could name) and if you're willing to be polite and understanding when you speak with him, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did the RIGHT THING, and saved money too.

How often does THAT happen, folks???

That contact info and pricing again, for your convenience, and thanks to abobyjoe, is:

"$225 as of last year. may have gone up but i don't know.
You can reach him at 1-479-650-9989.
You can also e-mail him at [email protected]."

And if you are an impatient whiny or nasty phone customer, just don't bother Harold. He doesn't like it and it won't make him rush your order. Call Rick's employer and ***** at someone who deserves it!