Crankcase Ventilation

I'm using Valvoline 10w30 right now. I was also using closed valve cover breathers with small holes at the bottom. I just ordered open element K&N elements, hell I don't know, it may make things worse. I will still do a leak down test, however I am hoping to do a little driving soon and perhaps let it break in. I have Chrome Moly rings, gapped at .022 and .018 respectively. I also made sure the endgaps were staggered as suggested by the "How to Build a Small Block Mopar" book by Larry Shephard. I've also been told by many "Seasoned" drag racers that blow by was normal on high performance engines when you run the crap out of them at WOT. But, again, I'm just a novice. I just don't want to arbatrarily tear the engine down as it seems to run so strong.

