66 dart headers

If, on the other hand, you are willing to be PATIENT and let Harold get to your order In whatever time it takes him, you can take some pride in supporting the little individual craftsman, who really should have patented the headers, but apparently didn't, against the shameless big company. It may take a few phone calls (and Harold will call you back, unlike some companies I could name) and if you're willing to be polite and understanding when you speak with him, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did the RIGHT THING, and saved money too.

very well stated. i talked to harold a while back and man what a nice guy. yes some people didn't get their headders the first time around and that is wrong but he was having personal problems from what i understand. maybe not a good excuse but i think people can relate.. this time around he is sending them out C.O.D. how can you beat that. you don't have to worry about losing your money. you don't pay until you get your headders. sounds more then fair to me and it shows that he is making efforts to build his reputation back up.

as far as laysons go. i have read way to many horror stories from customers of theirs to ever buy something sight unseen from them. only way i will ever buy from laysons is if i'm at a show and i'm holding whatever part it is in my hands.