E-town Was The Pits

the thing that made that show great in the past was all three things. racing, swap meet and the best show cars one the east coast. all three made the show great. even the racers are way down compared to what it used to be. if you ever looked around in the shows hey day there were never many people watching the races. the people watching the racing were mostly taking a lunch break from the rest of the event. or a big name guy was coming to the line (lil red wagon,darrel alderman things like that). sure there used to be a ton of racers and i can remember sitting in the staging lanes for a couple hours to get a run in yeas back but it sure seemed that the only people into the races were the racers themselves.

there is just too much other stuff to do anymore to be bothered with a crappy event like that. you have ocen city MD for instance. have any of you seen pics from that event that happens the same weekend? holy cow some incredible cars there man.tons of mopars too.thats where i will be next year. i refuse to go back to e-town until its better again. in my opinion if everyone keeps going even though the event sucks then whats the incentive for them to make it better? and from the pics i saw this year and seeing the turn out the last few years alot of people think like myself. it is their job to make me want to goto their event. and until i hear from people that i trust that it is getting better or they are atleast trying to make it better then i'm staying away from that overpriced garbage of an event. some guys go and still have a great time. hey more power to ya. i just can't justify going and being able to curise the entire event in an hour and seeing everything. i used to love that event man. never missed it. i kept going in hopes that it was just in a little slump but i'm done with it now. they don't seem to care about it so why should i ? maybe they should just put the event out of its misery all ready. i sure won't miss it.