Need a little info and help here

When i first read you comment, i thought to myself that you were wrong. I have had one 1974 dart sport, and one 1974 swinger. I am pretty sure that they both had an inset grill, but then I was thinking about it more, and I think the swinger had a grill the same as a 1973, but as you can see in the pic of the brown dart sport I had, it has an inset grill, and it was a 1974. Go figure.

and yes you are right about getting the header, that would fix the mounting holes not lining up.


That's the first 74 I have ever seen with that grille and I've literally scrapped/parted out 100's of those cars (73-76). Could the car have been repainted and the front nose changed? CHRYSLER HAS BEEN KNOWN TO DO SOME WEIRD THINGS. Perhaps it was a mid-late year 74 car that was accidentally released with the 75 grille in it. Again , It's the only 74 I've ever seen with that grille(rare indeed).