Ebay dilemma...HELP!

Sorry to hear of your problem John. I hate to tell you but I wouldn't count on USPS doing anything about it. They are pretty much like E-bay. As long as they get their money that's all that matters to them. Since no insurance was purchased they probably won't do anything. That's the only advantage with UPS is they have automatic $100 insurance but you still have to show it is double boxed in most cases or they won't honor claims. Like some of the others said make him send pics of what it looks like now and the box too. That'll tell you if he's trying to pull a fast one.

What really sucks is the new E-bay feedback system. Yeah the old system wasn't great but at least you could give a buyer negative if he screwed you. Now the seller cannot give negative feedback for any reason. Can't even give neutral FB. Only positive.